From: Robert Wangrud Right on Bob, Now study Martial Rule and you will really take off.
Ex parte Milligan, 71 U.S. 2 (1866)
'There are under the Constitution three kinds of military jurisdiction"
SUPREME COURT OF INDIANA [1863] P. 876 Griffin v. Wilcox, 21 Indiana, 370 Kerr is Reporter, Nove Term 1863 State of Indiana...
"When the citizen is governed by the military power, he is not governed by the soldier's code of military law, but he is said to be governed by martial law; and this law is perfectly distinct and entirely different from military law, to which soldiers are subject."
Field's description of martial law:
"The source and origin of the power to establish military commissions, if it exist at all, is in the assumed power to declare what is called martial law. I say what is called martial law; for, strictly there is no such thing as martial law..."
On this subject, as on many others, the incorrect use of a word has led to great confusion of ideas and to great abuses. People imagine, when they hear the expression, martial law, that there is a system of law known by that name, which can upon occasion be substituted for the ordinary system; and there is a prevalent notion that under certain circumstances a military commander may, by issuing the proclamation, displace one system, the civil law, and substitute another, the martial...
But what is ordinarily called martial law is no law at all:
"Let us call the thing by its right name; it is not martial law, but martial rule... David Dudley Field "All the Laws But One" William H. Rehnquist Published by Alfred A. Knopf, INC.
Here's some more Treason:
WHEREAS, in recognition of the greatly increased interdependence of the world in this age of nuclear power, pollution, hunger, and
WHEREAS, realizing that the common interests of man can only be met through world cooperation, and
WHEREAS, seeking to free mankind from the curse of war and to harness all available sources of energy and knowledge to the service of man's needs, and
WHEREAS, aware that we can best serve our city, county, state and nation when we also think and act as world citizens,
NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that we, the Governor and Legislative Leaders of Minnesota recognize the sovereign right of our citizens to declare that their citizenship responsibilities extend beyond our state and nation. We hereby join with other concerned people of the world in a declaration that we share in this world responsibility and that our citizens are in this sense citizens of the world. We pledge our efforts as world citizens to the establishment of permanent peace based on just world law and
to the use of world resources in the service of man and not for his destruction.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that as a symbol of our obligations as world citizens, we proudly display the United Nations flag with the United States flag at the main entrance to the State Capitol and urge other states to do the same.
Effective March 26, 1971.
/s/Wendall R. Anderson
Governor, State of Minnesota
/s/Stanley W. Holmquist /s/Rudy Cupish
Senate Majority Leader Lt. Governor
/s/Ernest Lindstorm /s/Nicholas D. Coleman
House Majority Leader Senate Minority Leader
/s/Audrey W. Dirlam /s/Martin J. Sabo
Speaker of the House House Minority Leader
We, the undersigned, commend the State officials for the above splendid World Citizenship Declaration. We recognize that Minneapolis was the first city to adopt such a Declaration in March 1968, and now Minnesota is the first State in the Nation to adopt World Citizenship. We urge our cities, other states, our nation and other nations to follow this example, which is a valuable step in building a World Community of Peace under Just Law.
Robert Wangrud.